Humanity has been around and has inhabited Earth for quite some time now. Throughout that time, we’ve managed to learn many things about our home planet and its characteristics. There has been a recent phenomenon involving other human’s belief that the Earth is flat.

Unfortunately, well-known people have chimed in on the topic and seem to share the same belief with other flat-Earthers. It can be pretty ridiculous even to bother refuting this belief that the Earth is flat. Scientists all around the globe have made investments in proving that the planet isn’t flat. One cannot deny that humankind has always been on the trail of intellectual pursuit. However, there’s no need to denounce all science, facts, and knowledge and believe in a conspiracy theory with no factual basis. There’s no need to be a conspiracy fan to enjoy humanity’s quest for knowledge and space.

Here are a few ways how you can prove to a flat-Earther that our home planet isn’t flat at all.

1.Ride A Plane

One of the most common things in modern society is aviation. Interestingly, you can use aviation and planes to debunk this flat Earth conspiracy. If you’ve ever gone on a plane ride, you will notice a lot of things. First, planes can easily travel a straight line for numerous hours and not fall off any edges. Interestingly, a plane carrying the right amount of gas can circle the Earth without stopping.

Next, if you happen to sit by the window, you’d notice that you can see the Earth’s curvature on the horizon. The best horizon and curvature views used to come from the legendary Concorde plane. Since the plane has long been gone, the new plane from Virgin Galactic should take its place. It promises a horizon that looks absolutely curved, as it truly is from a certain distance.

In this case, planes and the entire aviation industry deserve a ton of credit for debunking the flat Earth theory.

2.The Moon

Throughout the time in which humanity has been on this planet, we’ve collectively learned that the Moon isn’t a piece of cheese, nor is it a playful god. The phenomena that the Moon brings are already well-explained. Interestingly, it’s also a tool that can help you upon arguing with a Flat Earther.

Aristotle has made a lot of observations regarding the spherical nature of the Earth. He noticed that during lunar eclipses, the Earth creates a shadow on the Moon’s surface, and you guessed it, it’s round. If anything, Aristotle, the Moon, and Lunar eclipses deserve the credit for allowing you to debunk a conspiracy theory.

3.Shadows & Sticks

An incredibly simple experiment that can help you argue with a Flat Earth believer is using the logic of a stick and its shadow. If you stick a stick or a twig in the ground, it’ll produce a shadow. This shadow moves as time passes. If the Earth had been flat, then two sticks, or twigs, in different locations would produce an identical shadow!

It’s another valid argument that science and scientists can take credit for and wins over the conspiracy theorists. As if Eratosthenes’ calculation of the circumference of the Earth back in 276-194 BCE wasn’t enough!

4.Take A Look at Other Planets

It’s true that the Earth, our home planet, is unique and different from other planets. After all, the planet has the ability to sustain life, and we haven’t found other planets that can do the same yet. However, despite the differences, it’s logical to believe or assume that there are certain qualities and characteristics that are identical to all planets. Fittingly, a flat Earth does not fit the description.

If planets in different locations and different circumstances show the same features and property, then it’s highly likely that the Earth has the same property as well. All of humanity’s observations and investments have pointed out that other planets are spherical, and we have a good idea of how they’re created. There’s absolutely no reason to think that the Earth does not share the same property as all of the other celestial bodies in the solar system.

A flat Earth would be an impeccable observation as so it would pretty much go against all the observations we’ve gathered about planets all throughout the years and how they form and behave. Not only would our knowledge of planets change, but also our knowledge about star formation. Putting it simply, if the Earth was flat, life as we know it would be completely different. In this case, the pillars of Science can take a bow and take credit for debunking this absurd theory.

5.Images From Space

In recent times, humans managed to venture out into the vast emptiness of space and set foot on the Moon. They’ve managed to take a few snapshots of the Earth and their entire journey during that time. Fittingly, the images of the Earth on those snapshots showed a spherical planet, a beautiful life-bearing blue planet might we add.

The astronauts can take credit for the snapshot as it widened our knowledge of our home planet and space in general. However, little did they know that it’d be used as an argument to prove that the Earth isn’t flat. Since then, there has been a surplus of images of the Earth from space. All you simply have to do is to search for images of the Earth through any browser, and it’d clearly show you a spherical, beautiful blue planet.

Photo Sources: Instagram
