Countless factors have caused the decline of our planet’s health in the past century. However, there are also good things transpiring in nature, mending itself through natural processes. Of course, humanity has to provide a great degree of cooperation with Mother Earth, by all means necessary, if we ever want to thrive as a race on this planet.

1. Rising Sea Level

As humans continue to swarm greenhouses into the atmosphere, oceans have cushioned the effect. The oceans absorb over 90 percent of the heat from these gases. However, it’s taking a toll on our oceans. This has caused the rapid melting of the massive ice caps covering Antarctica and Greenland in the past decade, resulting in the rise of the sea level. With the rate of global warming right now, Earth’s temperature is much higher compared to previous years, which in turn causes dangerous flooding in many places all around the world.

2. Vanishing Animal Habitat

Aside from human intervention, climate change contributes to a great degree in affecting the natural habitat of various animal species. The rising temperature of the planet has caused most ice in Antarctica to melt at an unbelievably higher rate. As a result, this challenged the species of both penguins and polar bears, cutting down their population at an alarming rate. This presents a grave possibility of some animals going extinct, unable to adapt to a new habitat.

3. Lesser Fresh Water

Ice glaciers store about three-quarters of the world’s freshwater. While there is still much massive glacial ice found in other continents, most of them are found in Antarctica and Greenland. However, global warming has caused those glaciers to melt. Not good news— plumbing services better do a good job in houses.

4. Wildfires

In recent years, numerous wildfires occurred in different countries. This is a clear indication of the planet’s current temperature. With high temperature, dried leaves, bushes, and tree trunks in the hills and mountains can immediately and easily catch fire and leave devastating damages to wildlife and its habitat.

5. Heat Waves

The changes in global atmospheric circulation affect the balance of temperature in nature. With trapped hot air in the atmosphere, the temperature rises to a dangerous extent. Heatwaves have caused numerous casualties in several countries in the past years and caused undesirable impacts that reached the economic, social, and ecological sectors— this certainly affected the insurance companies.

6. Drought

Climate change increases the odds of worsening drought in many parts of the world, especially in. With higher temperature, it accelerates evaporation from the soil, making it drier, thus having a major impact on tourism, energy production, recreation, transportation, and more importantly, on agriculture. In turn, it cascades to social and economic sections.

7. Stronger Hurricanes

Since the 1980s, hurricanes have become more frequent and more intense over the North Atlantic. In a study done in 2013, climate change has been attributed to the substantial global and regional increase in the proportion of the strongest hurricanes with category 4 and 5 storms, though to a slight degree.

8. Ozone Layer Recovery

Since many countries have banned the use of ozone-depleting chemicals such as halocarbons, which are commonly used in pesticides, sealants, fire-resistant oils, and solvents—to mention a few—the ozone layer has been slowly healing in the past few years. Data from the World Meteorological Organization shows a decreasing area of the ozone hole.

9. Forest Restoration Program

The United Nations cited that sustainable management of forests is critical in tackling climate change, ensuring a better future for all. In the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030 program, reforestation is among its missions— credit to the United Nations for its initiative to slowly restore forests. According to the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, the crises that our planet is facing require urgent action by all governments, international and civil society organizations, local authorities, private sectors, and individuals.

10. Recycling Advocates

In lessening the harm in the environment caused by humanity, many advocacy groups and individuals are encouraging the populace all over the globe to recycle the things that cause harm in nature, like plastic bottles and bags, papers, tin cans, glass bottles, steel cans, cups, and containers, to name a few.
We only have one home, and we should all give credit to Mother Earth. Well, if Elon Musk can successfully colonize Mars, who knows, right?
Kidding aside, let’s all do our own part in this world, no matter how small. Collectively, it makes a huge difference. By doing so, we’re not only saving our planet at the moment but also for the future generations of mankind to come.

Photo Sources: Instagram
